• 2024年12月1日(日)

 本校では、在パラオ日本大使館、大阪府教育委員会、ケンブリッジ大学出版局等、外部9団体(行政機関・法人)からご後援いただき、国内外の高校生を招待し、高校生の視点から統一テーマ「健康と安らぎを享受できる国際社会の構築を目指して(To create a global community where people can enjoy good health and peace of mind)」にアプローチするための機会「環太平洋高校生友好会議2024」を主催しました。国内13校、海外3校(パラオ共和国2校、台湾1校)計16校から、パラオ共和国、台湾、アメリカ合衆国、ベトナム、日本の高校生計86名が参加しました。開会式では北川伸太郎外務省アジア大洋州局大洋州課長からの歓迎メッセージが披露され、その後、WHO健康開発総合研究センター(WHO神戸センター)サラ・ルイーズ・バーバー所長による基調講演が行われ、グローバルヘルスの概観と高校生へのメッセージが述べられました。その後、参加高校生はSDGsのカテゴリーに基づく10の分科会に分かれ、外部の有識者の指導・助言の下、分科会ごとに論点を整理し、課題解決のための提言を集約しました。各分科会からの提言は、最終的に1本の「アクションプラン提言書」にとりまとめられ、代表生徒により閉会式にて発表されました。本事業は在パラオ日本国大使館より「日・パラオ外交関係樹立30周年記念事業」の指定も受け、ピーター・アデルバイ駐日パラオ共和国特命全権大使も本事業を視察され、閉会式にてご挨拶をいただきました。またパラオ共和国のミンゼンティ高校、国立パラオ高校、台湾の私立延平高級中学から招待した高校生には、本校生の家庭でホームステイも体験していただきました。本会議の開催にあたってはGAコースの生徒たちが積極的に準備から運営まで献身的にこなしてくれました。参加された他校の生徒にとっても意義深い機会になったことと思います。ご後援・ご協力頂いた諸団体の皆様、関係各位に厚く御礼申し上げます。


Hosting the Pan-Pacific High School Leaders Meeting for Sustainable Friendship 2024 [Hi! PALM2024]

  • December 1, 2024

With the support of nine external organizations such as the Embassy of Japan in Palau, the Osaka Prefectural Board of Education, and Cambridge University Press, our school hosted the Pan-Pacific High School Leaders Meeting for Sustainable Friendship 2024, as an opportunity for high school students to approach the main theme: To create a global community where people can enjoy good health and peace of mind from the perspective of high school students.
A total of 86 high school students from the Republic of Palau, Taiwan, the United States, Vietnam, and Japan assembled from 16 schools, including 13 schools in Japan and three overseas schools (two schools from the Republic of Palau and one from in Taiwan) participated in the conference.
At the opening ceremony, a welcome message from Mr. Shintaro Kitagawa, Director of the Oceania Division, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan was introduced, followed by a keynote speech by Dr. Sarah Louise Barber,  Director of the WHO Centre for Health Development (the “WHO Kobe Centre”), who provided an overview of global health and a message to encourage high school students to address the global issues related to the SDGs of the UN.
After that, the participating students were divided into 10 breakout sessions based on the categories of SDGs, and under the guidance and advice of invited external experts, they discussed the issues and drafted proposals to solving them. The proposals from each breakout session were finally compiled into one “Action Plan Proposal” and presented by the representative students at the closing ceremony.
This event was also designated by the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Palau as a commemorative event of “the 30th Anniversary Japan-Palau Diplomatic Relations,” and H.E. Mr. Peter ADELBAI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Palau paid a visit to our school to observe this event and gave a speech at the closing ceremony. Also, it should be noted that high school students invited from Mindszenty High School, National Palau High School, and Yanping High School from Taiwan experienced homestay with our school students from the day before the event to the next day after the event.
The GA course students played a very active role in organizing this conference and devoted themselves to the preparation and operation.
Also, I believe that it was a meaningful opportunity for the participating students from other schools. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the organizations and related persons who supported and cooperated with us.












