
  1. 現地連携高校での英語での「課題研究」プレゼンテーションと学校交流・協働作業
  2. メインテーマであるグローバルヘルスに関わる台湾のトップ2大学の訪問
  3. グローバルマインドセット育成のためのグローバル企業での研修


第1回の昨年に引き続き、大変温かい歓迎を受け、生徒たちも充実感を持って帰国できました。 関係各位のご支援とご協力に厚く感謝申し上げます。


  1. Conflicts in Syria -How to deal with Syrian Refugees- (シリア紛争-難民をいかに対処するか-)
  2. Medical Support to South Sudan(南スーダンに対する医療支援)
  3. Food Shortage(食料不足)
  4. Poverty & Obesity(貧困と肥満)
  5. The World Health and Education from the Literacy Rate (識字率からみた世界の健康と教育)
  6. Health Issues in Bangladesh Caused by Lack of Knowledge on Sanitation and Safe Water Shortage (衛生に関する不十分な知識と安全な水の不足によるバングラディッシュの健康問題)
  7. Global Warming & Its Bad Influence(地球温暖化とその悪影響)
  8. The relations between global health and global warming from two points of view (2つの視点から観たグローバルヘルスと地球温暖化の関係)
  9. Possible Models and A Simulation of International Support Systems (国際的な支援システムのモデルとシミュレーション)



The 2nd Study Tour to Taiwan Is Held

February 22-25, 2016

We successfully carried out our 2nd Study Tour to Taiwan, which had the following three purposes:

(1) The students’ presentations of their research projects at Yanping High School, one of Taipei’s top private high schools

(2) Visiting two leading universities in the field of global health. One is National Taiwan University and at the College of Public Health 4 groups of Takatsuki students made presentations. The other is Taipei Medical University and the students had a chance to listen to talks of two medical doctors of the University Hospital.

(3) Learning the ABC of the actual circumstances of global business by taking special lectures by the managers and the managing staff of the local affiliates of some Japanese business corporations which have been globally extending their business

This school event is an important occasion for students in the GA course to round off their first-year studies. Through this tour they learned a lot (e.g. the significance of awareness of a variety of determinants closely affecting health problems in the world, the history of Taiwan in terms of the relations between Taiwan and Japan, and the necessity of promoting mutual understanding between the Taiwanese and the Japanese as they are important partners for each other). We were pleased to receive very warm hospitality everywhere we went. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who were concerned with this tour.

Here are the themes of the students’ research projects:

1) Conflicts in Syria -How to deal with the problem of Syrian Refugees-
2) Medical Support to South Sudan
3) Food Shortage
4) Poverty & Obesity
5) The World Health and Education from the Literacy Rate
6) Health Issues in Bangladesh Caused by Lack of Knowledge on Sanitation and Safe Water Shortage
7) Global Warming & Its Bad Influence
8) The relations between global health and global warming from two points of view
9) Possible Models and A Simulation of International Support Systems