

7回の事前研修の後、ケンブリッジ大学Sidney Sussex Collegeとオックスフォード大学Lady Margaret Hallを会場として、今年度は下記5つを柱とするプログラムを実施しました。

  1. グループディスカッション
  2. 英語集中レッスン
  3. 専門家によるレクチャー
  4. 個人プレゼンテーション
  5. ケンブリッジ、オックスフォード、ロンドン市内観光

2015 Leadership Programme in UK IS Held

July 24th – August 4th

The school held the 4th Leadership Programme for Future Global Leaders in Oxford and Cambridge Universities in UK, and 31 first-year senior high students joined the program. This is an advanced overseas study tour open to any student regardless of the course he belongs to.

After taking seven three-hour preliminary sessions at school, they flew to England and successfully completed the program mainly consisting of the following five elements while staying at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge and Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford.

  1. Group discussions
  2. Intensive English lessons
  3. Lectures by professionals
  4. Individual presentations
  5. Sightseeing tours in Cambridge, Oxford, and London