
  • 日 時:6月30日(火) 14:30~16:00
  • 講 師:大阪大学グローバル コラボレーションセンター 特任准教授 本庄かおり博士
  • テーマ:「拡大する健康格差—グローバルな視点から見る」

The 4th Global Studies Special Seminar Is Held

On June 30th, based on our partnership with Global Collaboration Center of Osaka University, the school invited a specially appointed associate professor of social epidemiolody Dr. Kaori Honjo from the center and held the fourth Global Studies Special Seminar.  She plainly gave an informative lecture on health gaps in the world, relations between public health and medicine, and what is epidemiology.

The 4th Global Studies Special Seminar
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Kaori Honjo, Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University
The topic: “Considering Growing Health Gaps from a Global Perspective”